Hesitant hybrid interior ideals in semigroups

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Karunya Institute of Technology and sciences

2 Department of Mathematics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore - 641 114, India.


Hesitant fuzzy sets are very useful for dealing with group decision-making problems when experts have hesitation among several possible memberships for an element in a set. Recently,
many researchers have used these concepts in clustering analysis and decision -making. In this article, the notions of hesitant hybrid subsemigroups and hesitant hybrid left (resp., right) ideals in a semigroup are introduced, and several properties are investigated. The concept of hesitant hybrid product is also introduced, and properties of hesitant hybrid subsemigroups and hybrid left(resp., right) ideals are considered using the notion of hesitant hybrid product. Relations between hesitant hybrid intersection and hesitant hybrid product are exhibited. Additionally, we establish hesitant hybrid interior ideals in semigroups and study their properties. Furthermore, we prove that in regular and intra-regular semigroups, the hesitant hybrid ideal and the hesitant hybrid interior ideals are coincide.
